High School/Middle School Redesign

What is High School/Middle School Redesign?

High School/Middle School Redesign is a collaborative effort between core academic classes and career technical education (CTE) that prepares students to be college and career ready.  College and career readiness embraces rigor and relevance as its main charge and ensures that our students graduate with a high degree of work-force skills:  communication, collaboration, problem-solving and professionalism.

To this end, Sweetwater Union High School District is committed to the development of CTE programs of study at all its high schools, beginning with middle school CTE exploration opportunities.  These programs of study will embed the principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) into their career technical education curriculum.  Additionally, High School/Middle School Redesign invites business partnerships in order to identify industry recognized certifications, to offer real-world experiences and to share current industry demands.

Ultimately, High School/Middle School Redesign is a series of CTE pathways, aligned with core academics and business partners whose purpose is to develop a highly-qualified and highly-skilled high school graduate that will meet the challenges of the global workforce.


Features of High School/Middle School Redesign: